An extraordinary personality – an employee who has worked at the factory for 46 years – awarded at “Alita’s” 60th-anniversary celebrations

60 years old – is it a lot or a little? It’s a solid anniversary for a person, but for a factory, it’s maturity. It was to celebrate this mature anniversary that more than 200 “Alita” employees gathered in their hometown theatre in Alytus. It is a special celebration for them, as they make every effort every day to create the highest quality products that represent Alytus and Lithuania worldwide.
One of the main objectives of the celebration was to honor the long-standing employees of the factory, as for many of them, “Alita” is their first and only workplace. During the evening, 60 employees who have worked at Alita for over 25 years were honored.
The coziness and smoothness of the celebration were taken care of by the host Gabriele Martirosian, who revealed an incredible fact. Her dad worked in the Alita factory for years, so Gabriele is very familiar with Alita products. And the opening of the evening was entrusted to Vakarė Jarmalaviciūtė, the owner of a beautiful voice and a participant in the TV show “Lietuvos balsas”. Vakarė was very familiar with the stage, as she is from Alytus.
“For 60 years, we have been building the factory, building its history, and producing Lithuanian products, and a few years ago, we started strengthening our team. Today, we have a team united in their desire to win and determined to show they know how to celebrate and work with quality. This celebration is for you and about you – those who have been with “Alita” longer than some of us have been alive and those who have only recently joined the team. I know that production people like specificity and clear tasks, so tonight I have a particularly important task for you – ‘make’ a celebration for yourself and others that you will all remember for a long time to come,” Algirdas Čiburys, CEO of MV GROUP Production, the company that manages “Alita”, addressed the gathered colleagues.
Joking that the main indicators that the factory employees must achieve during the festive season are the highest quality of celebration, the best mood, and zero festive mistakes, A. Čiburys invited his colleagues to “kick up” the festive spirit in a way that only true sparkling wine production professionals can do.
But before that, there were awards for long-working employees: all those who have been working at the factory for 25 years or more. And there are 60 of them: more than a quarter of all the colleagues working at Alita today. Even 17 have been working at Alita for over 40 years, and 18 for over 30 years. Lina Kaveckienė, a technician and chemist who has worked at Alita for 46 years, received the biggest ovation from her colleagues.
“Alita, like the ethnographic region of Lithuania – Dzūkija, is characterised by deep traditions, and our people – by sincerity, love for their land and profession. We can call ourselves the ones from Alytus and the ones from “Alita”. Our people, like the drinks produced by “Alita”, are varied and unique: they can be bitter, charming and colorful, strong, sustained, or as gentle as sparkling wine bubbles. That’s how diverse our team is. I am very happy and proud to be a part of it,” said Viktoras Mostovojus, Alita’s Production Director, congratulating his colleagues.
After sharing celebratory trophies, kisses, and hugs, it was time for the real party. The duo of Marius Jampolskis and Irūna Puzaraitė-Čepononienė took the helm of the party. More than 200 Alytus residents enjoyed well-known songs, dancing, and singing together.
The task given by the CEO of MV GROUP Production at the beginning of the evening was fulfilled to the full. A top-quality celebration with zero festive flaws was “produced”.